Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
-Matthew 19:14
Kid Zone, birth-5th grade, meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am
Solid biblical teaching, interactive activities, corporate worship, and a small group time with an emphasis on application and connection make up our time together. We delight in introducing kids to God, creating opportunities for them to wonder about who he is, to meet his son, Jesus Christ, and to grow in his Word. Our hope is to partner with parents and together seek to develop young disciples who love God fully and, because of that love, love people completely.
We are honored to be entrusted with your kids and believe that their environment should not only be fun and inviting, but also safe and secure. All volunteers have gone through a background check, receive ongoing training, and are excited to help kids discover Jesus, the true hope of the world.
If you are planning to visit us, please come to the Kid Zone registration desk by the fish tank, which is just inside the southeast entrance of the building (marked Gymnasium). Helpful volunteers will be at the desk ready to assist. You can download our Kid Zone Registration Form and bring it with you, or just fill one out when you arrive.
Please allow a few extra minutes before the service to arrive and get your children settled.
Nursery (0-2 years)
Caregivers engage babies with music and singing and pray for God’s littlest while caring for them. Toddlers learn to praise God through music, singing and using simple song motions, learn that God created them, loves them, and that they belong to him. Through creative play, Bible stories, and biblical lessons, children are taught to wonder about God and his son, Jesus Christ.
Pre-K & Kindergarten
Children learn that Jesus desires a relationship with them and died to give them new life. Through worship music, creative play, directed discovery activities using arts and crafts, and interactive Bible lessons, children begin to discover their identity is found in belonging to God—he made them, he knows them, he cares for them, he rescues them. Through Bible verse memorization and prayer, kids begin to expand their view of God.
Early Elementary (1st-3rd Grade)
Children participate in a worship service modeled after the adult Sunday service, but suited to their age level. The lessons are interactive and create space for kids to wonder about God and what it means to know him and follow him. Kids are introduced to the Gospel and the person of Jesus Christ. Their discipleship journey is personalized in small group time where Bible application and friendship with their peers is developed.
Upper Elementary (4th-5th Grade)
The older elementary kids participate in worship activity stations and corporate worship with the younger elementary kids. Their curriculum follows the same essential format as Early Elementary, but the lessons are geared toward deeper critical thinking skills and application to their lives. Their discipleship development encourages the use of scripture application and prayer.
Kid Trek is an annual time where we invite kids to join us for age-appropriate lessons, worship, gym time, verse memorization, build-it & shop nights, crazy dress up nights, and loads of FUN! We will end the winter session with a family night! Stay tuned for more details.
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
January 9-March 12
Kids 4 years - 5th grade
$30/child | $60/family
Do you homeschool your kids? If so, check out the HomeGrown ministry at Village Church.
Click below for more info.
Erik Lundeen
Discipleship Pastor // x193
erik.lundeen@vcgurnee.org -
Yoorah Cho
Children’s Discipleship Director // x186
yoorah.cho@vcgurnee.org -
Rosalinda Rivero
Children’s Discipleship Coordinator // x192