Women's Brunch
Saturday, April 5
Room 208
$5/personJoin the women of Village Church for fellowship, a time of teaching on rethinking spiritual gifts, and a delicious brunch. Register on Realm by March 31. Questions? Contact Elyse (elyse.peggar@vcgurnee.org or x194).
Serve Event
Monday, April 7
5:00pm or 7:15pm (choose one)
Feed My Starving Children, LibertyvilleLet's join together to pack meals for children worldwide! Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to providing hope through food for families all over the world. Bring the whole family (ages 5 and older welcome) to put together meal packs at the Libertyville packing location (742 East Park Ave, Libertyville, IL 60048). We have slots reserved for Village Church during two packing times on Monday, April 7, choose between 5-6:30pm OR 7:15-8:45pm. Register on Realm. Questions? Contact Elyse (elyse.peggar@vcgurnee.org or x194).
Palm Sunday Service
Sunday, April 13
9:00 or 10:45amPalm Sunday is the beginning of Easter week! Come. Invite a friend. Gather as church community to praise our King who has come for us. We look forward to our children helping to lead us in worship as we celebrate the triumphal entry of our King.
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 18
5:00 or 6:30pmOn Good Friday we see how far God goes to seek and save us. We will look at several ways our savior was forsaken for us. Join us for a time of reflection and praise as we appreciate Christ, because he was forsaken for us, we can know that we will never be forsaken by him. The service will include musical worship, time in God’s word, and communion. The 5:00pm service will be streamed. Children’s ministry program will be available for ages 0-5, register on Realm.
Easter Service
Sunday, April 20
9:00 or 10:45amJoin us on Easter morning as we worship God for the victory Christ has won--our Lord is risen for us! Come. Bring a friend. Celebrate our risen Lord in prayer, song, and a message from Mark 16. Children’s ministry meets at 9:00am only and the coffee shop will be open.
Spring Work Day
Saturday, May 3
8:00am-Noon (rain or shine)
Tasty lunch providedMark your calendars for our annual Spring work day! There will be work to do inside and outside the building. Register on Realm.
Questions? Contact Dan (dan.null@vcgurnee.org or x191).
Thrive Prom
Friday, May 9
6:00-8:30pm at Millburn Stables
$25/personVillage Students is partnering with Thrive/Young Life Capernaum ministries to host a prom event for adults with disabilities (high school and older). It will be a great night of dinner, dancing, and a photo booth. This year’s event will be held at Millburn Stables in Old Mill Creek (19203 W. Grass Lake Rd, Old Mill Creek, IL). If you plan to attend, register on Realm by Friday, April 11. Questions? Contact Spencer (spencer.smith@vcgurnee.org or x182).
Volunteers Needed
Friday, May 9
If you would like to participate by volunteering for this wonderful event, register on Realm. Details in Realm.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, May 10
$5/person (high school & older)Join the men of the church for fellowship, a time of teaching on re-thinking spiritual gifts, and a delicious breakfast. Register on Realm by May 5.
Questions? Contact Erik (erik.lundeen@vcgurnee.org or x193).
Be a VBS Volunteer!
June 9-13
Theme: The God Squad, a Search & Rescue Adventure!We are looking for volunteers to serve the week of VBS. Volunteer positions that need to be filled: teachers + helpers, games, kitchen, registration, material prep, props + sets, and of course people to help set up on Sunday, June 8 and take down on Friday, June 13. If you are interested in serving, sign up on Realm. If you have questions, contact Rosalinda (rosalinda.rivera@vcgurnee.org or x192).
Recharge Moms
Recharge is a place for moms to connect with other moms in the sometimes lonely seasons of motherhood. We meet two Thursdays a month beginning in October. Stay tuned for fall registration info.
GriefShare Groups
GriefShare has friendly, caring groups for people going through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Click below for more info or to register for upcoming Loss of Spouse and GriefShare groups.
Homeschool Ministry
HomeGrown is a ministry at Village Church for students and parents choosing to homeschool. This group meets Mondays at Village Church. For more info click below.