Take the next step with our church family.
Our various ministries help us connect with one another, grow deeper roots in our faith, and love our neighbors both locally and globally. Scroll below to find out about our ministries and ways that you can get involved here at Village Church.
Every Sunday morning during Kid Zone, on Wednesday nights during much of the school year, and in various camps and events, we provide opportunities for our youngest disciples to have fun, grow in God’s word, and learn more about Jesus in intentional ways.
Throughout the year, our Middle School and High School aged students gather regularly to form lasting relationships and grow in Christ in a community that is authentic, safe, biblically-grounded, and centered around the good news of Jesus.
Adult ministries at Village Church want to help you to meet Christ and grow into deeply devoted disciples. We do this through Small Groups and Equip Village initiatives, where we gather in community, grow in God’s word, and go on mission to others.
Jesus calls us to live, not for ourselves, but for others. As we initiate and support Christ-centered ministries both locally and globally, we aim to love our neighbors as ourselves and take the good news to the ends of the earth.
Annual Report
Take a look at how God has been at work over the past year through Village Church. Click below to view our annual report.
In addition to these ministries, there are various other ways to get involved at Village Church. These include:
Serving: Jesus came “not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45), and himself calls us to serve one another. There are numerous ways to serve at Village Church, both on Sunday mornings (coffee shop, ushering, Kid Zone, music and tech teams) and throughout the week (outreach opportunities, student ministry), and we would love to direct you to appropriate next steps.
Baptism: Are you a follower of Jesus but have not been baptized? We would love to talk with you about this important step that Jesus himself calls us to. We offer periodic baptism classes and celebrate baptisms publicly in our Sunday morning services.
Church Membership: Committing to Jesus becomes tangible when we commit ourselves to a church—a local expression of the body of Christ. Periodically we offer membership classes for those considering committing to Village Church.
If you’re interested in serving in one of these ways, please reach out and contact us!