One of the ways the gospel can be explained is through our need and God's deliverance. No matter how deep into the pit our sin and brokenness have driven us, God has provided a great deliverer to pull us out. This advent we will look at the various ways Christ is our ultimate deliverer. Christ came on a rescue mission to seek and save us! That is Christmas. As we go through the advent season this year, may God encourage you by showing you that no matter how great your need, Christ is your great deliverer.
December 1: Matthew 2:13-23 - Hope
December 8: Galatians 4:1-7 - Peace
December 15: John 1:14-18 - Joy
December 22: Luke 2:25-33 - Love
December 24: Luke 2:11-14 - Christ
Sunday, December 24
2:00pm or 3:30pm
The Christmas Eve service is a special time together. Join us for a time of candlelight and carols, and a message from Luke 2.
This is a family-friendly service, so bring your family and friends and all the kids and let’s celebrate this season of hope together.
Sunday, December 29
9:00am only [children’s ministry will not meet]
Come and kick off a new year with us, centered on God!
Join us for ONE service at 9:00am filled with worship through song, prayer, and God’s word. The message will be from Luke 2. This is a family-friendly service, so bring your family and friends and all the kids and let’s celebrate this season of hope together.